Oxford’s First Microbrewery

.5 Miles
The Circle
Half a mile from here, there’s a Circle: home to Mississippi’s flagship institution of higher learning. For decades, its hallowed halls have educated the south’s finest minds and sent them out to enrich the world. The Circle is a campus mustering point where social circles overlap and oftentimes expand in the fellowship of game days.

.5 Miles
The Square
A half mile in the other direction, there’s the Square: an idyllic gathering place for generations.
A site for the hard-working to catch up on gossip, or gather provisions, or have their day in court. People came looking for a deal and left with more than expected. The Square remains grounded, yet punches above its weight in literature, cuisine and solid spirits.
The Square and the Circle could’ve felt worlds apart were it not for an old train depot.
A transportation hub for rich & poor that welcomed people
and ideas from all over. The great brick equalizer situated right beside standard gauge railroad tracks.
And right here is where you'll find Circle and Square. At the intersection of all kinds, offering up a seat, a pint, and good conversation until the next train runs.

Oxford Taproom
100 Depot Street
Oxford, Mississippi 38655
M, T, W: 7am - 9pm
Th, F, S: 7am - 10pm
Sun: 9am - 7pm
Kitchen Hours:
M-T: 11am - 7:30pm
W-Sat: 7am - 7:30pm
Sun: 9am - 6:30pm